Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States Childhood and Adolescents Brain Tumor Report

Award:$64,000 over 1 year (2022)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Quinn Ostrom, Duke Medical Center; Carol Krutchko. Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States (CBTRUS)

Brain tumors are the most commonly diagnosed and deadliest form of childhood cancer in children and adolescents 0-19. Yet little is reported on these types of cancer.  The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation funded a first-of-its-kind report to provide a statistically relevant and more accurate depiction of the incidence and impact of brain tumors in children and adolescents in the United States. The Central Brain Tumor Registry (CBTRUS) is the largest aggregator of cancer registry data on brain and other CNS tumors in the US and provides the most complete picture of population-based data for children and adolescents diagnosed with a brain tumor.

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